U.S. “New Cold War” non-strategic, failing: The Diplomat magazine

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The U.S. military and its civilian leaders are wrong to wage the “New Cold War” by overemphasizing militarized responses to economic and diplomatic challenges, The Diplomat magazine has reported.

U.S. "New Cold War" non-strategic, failing: The Diplomat magazine

Perhaps the key American misstep, the report said Wednesday, is relying too much on hyper-expensive legacy weapons — aircraft carriers, unusable and redundant nuclear missiles, over-budget and underperforming F-35 fighter jets — that can’t protect U.S. interests and citizens well.

Describing the current U.S. strategy and spending as “decidedly non-strategic,” the report said the “failing formula and counterintuitive calculus” can never change “until the corporate greed underpinning the defense budget is truly challenged” and replaced with more modest and practical spending.

Published : January 15, 2022

By : Xinhua

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